Bristol Rae arrived earlier than planned, but she is healthy and doing well. She weighed 5 pounds 15 ounces and was 20 inches long. (She has long feet and hands, and I think she'll be tall like her daddy!!) It's a pure joy to be back home spending some time with her. She's a true blessing!
I know that most people probably know what a blessing it is to have a healthy new baby, but when you have had a pregnancy or infant loss or have dealt with infertility, it's even more real to you! I knew when my niece Brenna was born that she was a blessing and I loved her beyond words!! BUT, I had no idea how much of a true miracle she was and I probably took for granted the blessing that she truly was. I never considered that something could go wrong with the pregnancy or birth...I was naive!
With Bristol, I prayed HARD through the pregnancy and especially during the end when there were some small complications (low fluid mostly). I also prayed all through the c-section and felt a true relief when she was here. I felt different when Bristol was born, it was as if I took a moment to soak in how incredible it was.
I hope that through reading my blog maybe some of you who haven't gone through what Jacob and I have will relate a little more. I hope that maybe the next time you hold your new baby girl/boy, niece/nephew, or grandchild you'll soak in the blessing a little more and stop to think about what a miracle it is to have everything go well and to have a healthy baby!!
Here's our sweet girl...
My beautiful girls!
The pics are so sweet and because of your blog/experiences I hug and kiss Clark even more!! You are right you never truly know what a blessing children are until you have one/have lost one.